Monday September 28, 2015 6:30 PM Sullivan Street
A question arose at last night's Special Meeting of the Town
of Miami Mayor and Council: Who renamed Sykes Alley to
Sykes Street? Speculation includes the possibility of it being
associated with 911 changes a couple years ago. The new
name was discovered as the new road signs were being
installed. 25% are currently in place.
Town Manager Joe Heatherly is hopeful that today's meeting
with Jeff Hooper of the USDA will greenlight the
wastewater project. He reports that all of the USDA
requirements for continuation are now met. Phase One came
in at $2 million under budget, which will be applied as
appropriate to Phase Two construction.
Kinkaid Civil Construction won the contract for Phase Two,
being the lowest bidder at $4,668,726. Jonovich Companies,
a local firm, was the next lowest, bidding within $300,000 of
Kinkaid. There were ten other bidders, ranging up to $6
million. Mark Ipson from HilgartWilson, the engineering
management firm supervising the construction was on hand
to answer questions. No one from Kinkaid was in
attendance. Due to the delays involved, Kinkaid previously
extended the bid through October 17th. Heatherly expects
the project to be back on before that.
The financial consultant continues to work on the 2014
audit, but some inconsistencies have been found and
Heatherly said it will take more time and research to figure
out what transpired. He informed the board that he spoke
with Chief Probation Officer Kendall Rhyne and they'll be
forming a task force to come up with a plan for reducing
juvenile delinquency in Miami. He also reported that the
Lance Decker workshop for building a better community
went well and was well attended. And he reminded the
community of the Mining Rocks Festival to be held at
Bullion Plaza on Saturday.
The Council approved the site and time for the upcoming
Miami High Homecoming Parade. It will be helped on
Friday October 16th on Sullivan Street and Miami Veteran's
An IGA with Gila County was approved for the Mackie
Camp Bridge. Gila County will provide $40,000, which will
fulfill the 10% participation required by the $400,000 grant.
An IGA for the City of Globe garbage truck was discussed
but tabled. Originally Miami was going to purchase the
truck, but that ran afoul of bureaucratic sale conditions, so
now negotiations are going on for a lease of the truck which
has already been out for repair and last week sustained
damage in a hit and run while parked in the lot.
There's an ongoing bulk trash problem-not in how to pick it
up, but now to charge for it. Right now fees are only $5 a
month for trash collection regardless of how much or what is
picked up.
Police chief Scott Gillen gave a report. In addition to the
standard stuff, the chief reported one scorpion call. No
details on how it was resolved.
Miami's library received 17 computers donated by the
Scottsdale Library and several chairs from the Chandler